Sorry, my few faithful followers - I have been remiss in posting lately.
Its been real busy around here. On Saturday evening my boss went into labor and delivered a happy healthy beautiful baby girl - Regan Elinor Fox. While we are all very happy for her, little miss Regan came a bit ahead of schedule. Two weeks ahead, to be exact. Which means the projects I wasn't supposed to be running just yet fell hard into my lap Monday morning.
Its been one of those weeks where I forget to eat meals, but I'm so productive that I don't want to stop. Today I had two cups of coffee, oatmeal and then....candy corn pumpkins. Diet of champions! At this rate I'll stress off all the pounds I gained eating and drinking my way through Europe.
In addition to an awesome workload (its actually a really great challenge and I'm enjoying the chance to REALLY prove myself), I am travel out the wazoo. This week I head to DC for a weekend of fun and friends and football at UMD's Homecoming. Work sneaked in, though, and I've got a lunch meeting with my subcontractor on Friday and then meetings at my east coast park on Monday. I need to love on them and tell them how much I haven't forgotten them.
After that, I'm traveling all but one week from now until Thanksgiving, and even that one week may sneak in a trip to Oklahoma and Louisiana. I also FINALLY weaseled my way onto our big Army project up in Alaska and will definitely score one trip out of that. Public meetings are slated for November but knowing the federal government, I'm hoping they get postponed til December. Fairbanks in December? Sure, why not!
I've also had a crazy wonderful social life. When I AM in town, I'm all booked up with Halloween parties (YES! I get to wear my Oktoberfest dress!) and football watching and Morgan and I are hosting a pumpkin carving party at my house next week (I hope we can all fit in my apartment!).
So, I will try to post and show pictures from all my adventures - Miami, Oregon, Moab, and San Francisco are all on the plate again in the coming month. But if I am remiss in doing so, I'm not dead, just completely loving on life.