Thursday, December 8, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1.) I'm having a morning. I woke up to some panic emails (why hello! Good morning to you too!) and then the weird guy on the bus decided I looked friendly enough to talk to. He started waxing poetic about whether or not I thought hate was just disliking someone or if it went deeper than that or if you could get something for it (wait, huh?). Once he paused to wait for my response, I told him I hadn't had coffee yet and this was above my comprehension level. I quickly recognized him as the crazy religious guy who preaches down by Champa Square. Thankfully my stop was the next one.

Last night I was super excited to have gotten my new winter running tights in the mail only to discover North Face had sent me a ugly yellow hoodie, in XL to boot. Since I won't be home from now until 2012, they are shipping my tights to my hotel in Fairbanks.

2.) Last night I also went to go see The Descendents, the new indie film with George Clooney (which sounds like a contradiction in terms). It was very good and I highly recommend it. I was supposed to go see it with my friend Amanda but she was sick and turns out I was thankful to have gone alone; the movie definitely wins for making me cry the most times in one film. Now, i recognize that movies easily make me turn on the water works, but this one had me blubbering throughout the whole thing. But don't be disheartened, it was very funny as well. I left with my emotions thoroughly confused.

3.) I'm making a poor life decision this weekend and heading up to Keystone for some skiing on Saturday. Why is this a PLD? Because I leave at 6am Sunday morning, haven't packed, and will have less than 24 hours to pack for DC/Philly when I get back the following week. But I'm excited. Third weekend in a row on the slopes and I can't wait to get back to work on fixing my form. Who needs sleep anyhow?

4.) Super Bonus! Tonight is the night of my holiday party, which my coworker and I planned. To get in a workout beforehand though, I'm going running at lunch and thus will need to shower after. Since you all know my love of showering (love, disdain, whats the difference?), I refused to shower this am knowing I'd take another one later. To hide my hair at work until I can hit the gym, I've discovered in the winter I can wear a cute beanie and pretend I'm just cold in the office - WIN! I'm so pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I've taken to doing that on Sunday mornings at Lifetime too... Everyone comments and says, "What a cute hat!"

    And I told you The Descendants was good! Good mix of funny and sad too. I love the Sid character. I teach a bunch of those...
