Last night I went to my very first organized group run. I joined a website called "MeetUp" that has a bunch of subgroups that organize different events. I joined the Denver Running Club, which meets every tuesday at Washington Park.
I was a little worried. I can be pretty socially awkward when I don't know anyone, and I'm a fairly slow runner. I rode my bike there and was early (per usual), and sheepishly approached someone who showed up shortly thereafter. I had found the right meeting spot! A girl showed up not long after and I recognized her from the RSVP list and knew that she was new, too (I'm not at all a creeper). I asked if anyone ran around the 10-11 minute mile pace, and she did! We ran together and it was a great 3 miles! She wants to do her first half marathon this year and was also a swimmer! I'm happy to have a running buddy again.
After the run, we were all headed to a local bar. Not knowing where I was going, one of the organizers offered to put my bike on his bike rack and give me a lift (and also a ride home, thankfully - it got chilly!). I didn't eat or drink at the bar (hooray willpower!) but it was nice to get to know some more new people.
There is another run on Saturday AM and I'm thinking of going for broke, running 2 laps (5.2 miles) and then heading into the office for some paper writing. The excitement in my life never ends!
I have been replaced all too soon. :(