Monday, June 27, 2011

New Sneaks!

This past weekend I finally broke down and bought new running shoes, something I've been contemplating for about a year. Both trainers have looked at my old rag tag sneaks with consternation, suggesting that perhaps it is time for a new pair.

I headed over to Runners Roost and said "I run on the outside of my foot - help!" I had previous had a neutral shoe, and now they don't make shoes that help runners compensate for running on the outside of their foot, so I was back looking for a neutral shoe. The woman grabbed three pairs in my size and luckily the prettiest pair was also the most comfortable.

Look at me, I'm preeeeetttty!

For some reason, my highly productive weekend and shopping excursion prompted me to start my online shopping wish lists again. My favorite targets: NorthFace.Com and Amazon. On Zappos, however, I started searching around for a good walking shoe for Europe, which I am quickly falling in love with.

I'm also very pretty!

I sent this link to my sister who promptly told me that I would look like an American. Well. I am an American. I don't care that I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb, I am used to it. Maybe I'll just throw on an ADIDAS track suit and call it a day. Maybe I can be rude and speak loudly in English to someone speaking another language and just embody the full stereotype. More importantly, the reviewers of this adorable shoe said they walked all over cities for full days and their tootsies were just fine. Sign me up.

After my delightful Sunday of productivity and fantasizing about what I'd buy if I had money, Monday is kicking my butt. I dropped my bike on my foot and the coffee machine at work isn't working - a very dangerous situation for those addicted to caffeine. I'm ready to be on travel again.

1 comment:

  1. those are cute - brooks ghost? glycerin? and those green things are, interesting.
