Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Facts

1.) Tonight I'm going to the DU Hockey game. I've gone to two other games and still don't really understand why sometimes just one dude hangs out by himself with the puck behind the net.

2.) I'm still bitter the Jets didn't beat the Giants. Eagles could have been staring down a post season game.

3.) I buy new purses occasionally but usually revert back to an old, dumpy one I got from American Eagle at least a decade ago.

4.) The stock show is in town. Longhorn cattle roamed the streets of Denver yesterday.

5.) I'm really enjoying not drinking beer during training. Its the most hydrated I've been in months.

6.) Miles (the Denver Broncos Mascot) is marching down 16th with a crew of marching band drummers handing out towels. It will be the Broncos first postseason game in 6 or 7 seasons. Timmy Tebow is going to be creamed by Big Ben.

7.) My Dad has started a food blog. You should read it.

8.) I own one pair of jeans. I wear them until they get holes in them and then buy a new pair of the exact same kind. I've done this for 6 years.

9.) When I wear high heels, I can't feel my smallest toes for the next day or two.

10.) I haven't turned on the heat in my apartment yet.

11.) I have a serious problem with buying pj pants. Not just my annual christmas jammies, but all pj bottoms. I have a whole drawer full and its overflowing.

12.) I have a really hard time coming up with these things. Sometimes I wait until Katie has posted hers, then steal some (ie: See #3).

13.) I don't have much patience. It's something I need to work on.

14.) I am putting off taking down my Christmas decorations because that means I have to wait a whole 11 more months to put them back up again. But part of my OCD brain wants them down so the apartment is in order again.

15.) I used to bite my nails constantly. One day I just stopped. I still don't know why.

16.) Sometimes I have trouble really relaxing because my brain is always planning the next thing I have to do.

17.) Oscar season is upon us! Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is on my list for tomorrow.

Happy Friday!


  1. I like the new layout! I think I'll do one too.

  2. I have all these internal conflics about not drinking beer, it's just soo good... I think I can support you though.
