I love the book I'm currently (slowly but surely) reading.
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Love it and definitely recommend it. It's basically a memoir of her year of trying to be happier. She has a specific area to focus on for each month, such as "Energy" in January, and sets goals for achieving it. Along the way, she researches happiness and gives her opinions on what she finds. Its very interesting and entirely motivating. I'm a generally happy person, but whenever I find myself in a funk or overwhelmed with school and work, I think about the things she has written about and make an effort to get back to happy.
I would be lying if I said the book has not influenced me. Starting this blog, for example, was partly inspired by it. I won't claim to be a good writer, but I think it is important to have a non-work related outlet. I'm not creative or artistically inclined (that talent went to my sister). Don't get me wrong, I can do home improvement projects with the best of them, but give me a scrapbook and some cardstock and I'm overcome with fear and apprehension. Somehow, forcing myself to find something new to write about each day, well, I actually have found myself looking forward to it.
As she kicked off her project, Gretchen created her twelve personal commandments. The first of which was "Be Gretchen." She talks about really sitting down and determining what she actually likes versus what she wishes she liked. That people often
want to like something instead of actually liking it. I can really relate to that and it got me thinking.
Be Rudi. Who is that? What do
I like and dislike? As much as I would
like to be one of those girls that always looks so put together with summery dresses and accessories, I will always feel more comfortable in jeans and a tee shirt with flip flops on. And that's ok.
I admire people who can define themselves and their likes so easily within that little box that says "about me". I had a harder time. What about me did I want to share with my handful of readers (and the one stalker my mom is convinced will follow my blog). What do I like? Well, on the surface I really do like hoodies and flip flops. And I REALLY like Christmas. Its almost unhealthy. And caramels.
But those all seem so superficial. I like reading. I like having shelves and shelves of books. I think I have reading ADD - I start one book then get really excited about starting another. I can name at least 4 books that I am halfway through right now. I like football. A lot. Namely, the Eagles. I make no false pretenses about liking baseball, though. Even when the Phillies won the world series, I was still bored. It's May and I still really miss football season. I like that every game means something.
I like Garrison Keillor and NPR, although sometimes I'd rather listen to Hot99.5 on my way to class, just to dance in my car and ramp up my energy level. I don't like flossing or taking vitamins, but I do as often as I can remember because, even though I'm 25, my mother will still yell at me if I don't.
I like being active, but I dislike the gym. I like exercise with a purpose. I like biking TO somewhere. I will force myself to go running, but I've never experienced that mind-clearing peace that runners talk about. Mostly I just think they are crazy. I like hiking and camping, but feel ashamed that sometimes I just want to spend a weekend day laying on my couch doing absolutely nothing, just because I can. Weekends without responsibilities and homework are hard to come by.
I really like singing in church choir and I miss it a lot. When I get to Denver, I will be on a mission to find a new church - but I know that there is no church that will have a music program on par with what Central once had.
So, Be Rudi. It's an on-going process.