Thursday, May 27, 2010


So, we've already covered that I have 8 feet in which to pack my entire life and belongings. To say this was making me anxious would be an understatement. Each night this week, I have had moving-related nightmares. In one, I forgot to buy the new dishes I want at Ikea (horror!), but mostly they are related to packing up the truck. Each night as I fall asleep, I am imagining how I am going to fit each large item into the moving truck.

Mostly my mind looks something like this:

When I'd *LIKE* it to be something like this:

Needless to say, I haven't been sleeping well. This morning I was wide awake at 4:30 am, just laying in bed, thinking. I turned on the news (the news is on this early??) and had seen each story repeated numerous times before I left for work at 7:20. Luckily work has been fairly busy and keeps me distracted during the day.

I'm hoping to come back from Denver this weekend, signed lease in hand, and that will help quell some anxiety. I like to plan every angle of every possible outcome so that I can be prepared, but once I've done that I just have to sit and wait patiently for when I can make decisions and move forward. Patience is not my strongpoint. I've been trying and trying to work on it, but I think it's just in my nature to do research, learn the background, and then make all the decisions as quickly as I can. I don't like waiting. I especially don't like waiting a full 6 days while my dream apartment is just sitting in Denver, waiting for me to love it.

But, true to form, I've planned two sets of weekend activities, depending on whether or not I can lease the first apartment. It will just be much much less fun if the apartment hunting must continue. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Don't sweat packing the truck, you have two experts on the job!
