As I type, the wind chill has Denver at -6 degrees, but I must say it really doesn't feel that cold. After work, my coworker Megan took the bus home with me, we picked up my car and headed to dinner near my house on 6th. We nerdily discussed the architecture at Angelo's, a local pizzeria that we are convinced used to be a church and I resisted ordering a glass of wine. We were headed to the Esquire, the local Landmark movie theater that shows the artsy movies, and caught the 7:05 showing of The King's Speech. It was really good!!! Also exciting were the previews - so many good movies coming out during Oscar Buzz season - and what's better, now I have the time to go see them!
While watching The King's Speech, I could help but wonder if Queen Elizabeth has ever seen the various movies about her life. While some are less flattering than others, this one really painted her family, or at least her parents, in a positive light. To be honest, if someone made a movie about my life while I was still alive, I don't think I could NOT see it. Although what a snoozer that would be...not sure anyone else would be seeing it!
I would watch a movie of your life. Wait, can I be in it?