Friday, January 28, 2011

Ok Katie, you win.

Today's post was going to be about the Oscar Nominated movies I've been trying to get to, but apparently, I've been tagged. So here goes:

1.) I'm terrible at thinking up facts about myself. I'm pretty much terrible at trying to recall anything in the moment. Especially with Jeopardy, I usually feel like the answer is on the tip of my brain and I just can't think of it. I got a one-a-day Jeopardy calendar for Christmas and my 'pod' at work (four cubicles in an open layout, currently there are only three of us) - we play every morning and keep score throughout the month of who wins the most money. This morning we finished out January and Dave kicked our butts. His amount of random trivia would make my dad proud.

2.) I started this blog because it pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I hate being the center of attention. Walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid terrifies me so much each time, I hate to think what it would be like should I ever get married. I've gotten a bit more comfortable with the blogging, but still don't feel like my life is terribly interesting nor that I'm a very good writer. It's been nice for keeping family up to date, though, since its normally too late to call them once I am out of work. Over Christmas, I found out that my dad must be emailing entries to people, because several somewhat random people mentioned a few things I had written about. It made me uncomfortable at first but hey, thats the point right?

3.) I am terrified of the dark. Its one of the only things I'm legitimately scared of. I pretty much will try anything once (with the exception of new foods), but even the dark of my own apartment scares me sometimes. This is made worse by the fact that I fall asleep to reruns of Criminal Minds each night.

4.) I am really enjoying the amount of free time I have had since completing grad school. After living that way for 3.5 years, I hadn't realized how draining it was. So far in January I've been seeing more movies (been trying to get to a lot of the Oscar nominated ones) and reading more. I'm about a decade behind, but I've just started the Harry Potter series and am on the second book. I am also trying new restaurants and going to happy hours more. By March, I may be a poor, fat, alcoholic, but at least I'll be happy.

5.) I'm going to New Orleans next Wednesday. I recently realized that its my first real, relaxing vacation since the Mexico incident of 2008. I really enjoyed the road trip this summer, but I couldn't get my mind off of worrying about all of my things and whether or not they were actually traversing the country in a timely manner, unscathed. New Orleans was up there as my favorite place visited this summer, so I am eager to go back (Charleston SC was a spontaneous addition and my second favorite).

6.) I actually really like doing my taxes. I got my W2 on Wednesday and finished them Wednesday night. Because of grad school and my move this year, I'm getting a decent amount back (which will promptly go towards my credit card and grad school payments).

7.) Although I'm a terrible packer, my mind always works in terms of logistics. I always plan out how long it will take to get somewhere, the best route to take, and pretty much hate backtracking. I write everything down in my dayplanner and have a crazy good memory once I've written something down. But if I don't write it down, I won't remember it. I leave myself post it notes and am slowly (or rapidly) turning into my mother. Although she's nearly 60 with barely any grey hair, weighs almost 30 lbs less than me, and knows how to have a good time, so I suppose there are worse fates in life :)

1 comment:

  1. also afraid of the dark. must've been all that time sleeping in your attic!!! :)
