Friday, May 20, 2011

REI, I love you

I recently mentioned that every time I want to go and do something active in Denver, I feel like I'm constantly hauling to REI to buy some off piece of equipment that I either a.) don't have, b.) have, but was stolen from my parents and is from the 1970s, or c.) have, but can't fit into anymore.

As much fun as it was to be mocked mercilessly when I showed up in Buena Vista last year with my canvas bag of cooking equipment, red sleeping bag with paisley interior, and Coleman lantern that actually uses fuel instead of batteries (which I still think is way better), I think its time for an upgrade. I was able to buy a new sleeping back with my dividends this year and am slowing accumulating the odds and ends required to survive the great outdoors without the sneers and laughter. This mocking continued into the winter months when I attempted to ski in snowpants from the 10th grade. Calling them 'snug' would be a generous term.

This weekend, I believe the purchase will be new hiking boots. REI has their 20% members coupon deal running, so that should help. As stylish as my old hiking boots look, with Gorilla Glue seeping out the edges to keep the soles on (for last weekend's hike, I had superglued the sole back on, but with limited success). I also have a bike pump and speedometer to return and replace (oh how I love you, REI co-op and return policy) as well as some things I bought last week are now on sale so I'm going to go plead my case to refund me the difference.

Thankfully last night I did not need to purchase any new gear for climbing at the local rock gym up in Thorton. It was awesome. My fingers don't have nearly the strength they used to, my hands are missing the necessary calluses, and my feet need to get re-accustomed to the feel of climbing shoes, but those are all things I can do for free. Also thankfully, I passed the belay test and the knots, movements, and ropes all came back to me instantly. The routes in this gym are also a bit easier than the ones they would set back in Alexandria, so I easily finished a 5.8 and am eager to get back some climbing muscles.

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