Last night Katie took me to the gym and showed me her lifting routine. Yes, I know how to do the basics and I've always known how important lifting is, but I've never really been very good about it. A quick whirl around the machines, haphazardly picking which ones I wanted to do, and I figured that was good enough.
But Katie is a lifting machine. Over the past six months, I've watched her truly transform her body mostly by just lifting and light cardio (thanks to an angry IT band injury). One of my goals for Denver is to really "get healthy" - actually make dinners, get groceries on a regular basis, maybe even eat a few veggies, get back into my cardio routine (which has been obliterated by busy months), and start lifting.
Well, Katie is more than awesome. Not only did she create an excel sheet of all the reps, weights, free weights, and machine exercises that she does, but she broke them up into lifting days 1, 2, and 3 for me. And last night, we did almost all of them in one day.
It hurt. A lot. Especially since about 10 minutes into one-legged squats, my right hamstring says "umm, esscuze me - just WHAT do you think you're doing??" and then proceeded to really really hurt the rest of the workout. Fun times!
But this morning, I feel incredible. That awesome "every muscle hurts" feeling after a good workout the day before. I have been so used to the biking and running muscles hurting, that it feels really good to have new muscle groups hurt. And while there's no way it is, my body just FEELS stronger. Like those muscles are happy to be working and want me to keep it up. I really like it.
And little do mom and Alliy know, but most of these exercises can be done without any equipment! So we're going to have 'exercise time' each night at the hotel along the way. Gotta prep those muscles for unloading the truck in Denver!
Hold the gravy boat, lady!!