Thursday, October 7, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1.) Tonight I try spinning at my gym for the first time since I moved. My goal is pretty much just to finish the hour without puking.

2.) I have really bad hearing, which I think is a family trait. When on the phone, I compensate not being able to hear by talking extra loud. Makes sense, no? I do my best to be conscious of the decibel level I speak at, but I don't know how successful I am. When my office moves to downtown Denver in November, we are basically all getting cubes. As I am pretty sure I'm not important enough for an office, I already feel badly for my coworkers whenever I am on a conference call.

3.) I wish the Eagles were half as good as the Phillies.

1 comment:

  1. no freakin shit. I wish the eagles could have one GAME as good as the philles.
