1.) Last night I bought my one day fishing license from the Colorado Department of Wildlife, via Sports Authority. They wanted more information than I ever thought would be relevant (excuse me, do you REALLY need to know how much I weigh?? Are you going to bring a scale out to the pond and arrest me if I'm lying??). But the $9 was worth it and now I'm fully set to go fishing with my friend Megan on Saturday (minus that whole bit about not having a rod and reel or actual knowledge of how to fish...). We're headed up into the mountains (the same mountains that received 7 inches of snow this week) and out towards Breckenridge. I'm excited!
2.) I have officially bought my first broncos gear and I hang my head in shame to admit where I bought it: Victoria's Secret. wait, what? I knew the one back in DC had UMD gear, so I wasn't all that surprised to find some really cute tee shirts there. I still defend that this is not as bad as having a pink jersey, but concede its not that much of a step up. I am also borrowing a friend's Dawkins jersey, but my friend is a dude and I'm pretty sure that its going to be enormous. As shown in yesterday's post - I'm going to the game on Sunday!!!
3.) Raise your hand if you bought jeans in your old size yesterday! *raises hand* While at Gap, I went for broke and tried on the size 6 jeans - just to see how bad they would be. To my surprise, and delight, they fit! I expected to get them mid thigh and then just begin openly weeping in the dressing room. True, there is a hint of a muffin top - but that is something I have always had in almost all my jeans anyhow (thank you, genetics). I got a pair in size 8 as well, that are less painted on and probably more work-appropriate. Denver bars, look out! Me and my size 6's are a'comin'!
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