Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm pretty much superwoman.

Ok, so I was remiss in blogging this yesterday, but Sunday was a HUGE FEAT.

I ran 5.86 miles.

This number may seem odd and slightly insignificant, but it is huge.

-Its the longest I've run in Denver.
-Its the longest I've run anywhere in over a year
-Its the longest I've ever run without a running buddy.

Also, it was 0.86 miles longer than I was scheduled to do. When Katie said she thought I'd come back faster than I thought, I thought she was crazy. But it feels good. I wanted to run down to a local park and back, and that ended up being a bit longer than the 5 miles on my plate. I took notice as to where the 5 mile mark was and figured that if I was really feeling poorly, I could just walk home.

I also upped my run/walk amount. Averaged about a run 15/walk 1. My pace was the same as the previous week: 11:20 min miles, which is about a minute off of where I want to be, but I've got plenty of time to speed that up!

So runners, here's my gameplan for moving forward: Keep the mileage/weekly runs that I'm doing up until 8 mile long runs (probably 2-3 weeks from now). Keep 8 mile long runs through April, working on pace. Then start the 'official' half training end of April/early May. Good idea/bad idea? Ya'll know much more about the 'theory' of training and running and muscles and all that goodness - so whaddya think??

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! you're awesome!! way to go! (p.s. told you so) and i think your plan sounds exactly right.
