1.) I have been massively sick all week. Normally when I sick, I feel crappy for a day, rest, take some meds, and I'm fine. This cold is not messing around. I took a half day on Tuesday, felt a little better on Wednesday, then the cold moved back into my head and I sound terrible/am filled with snot today. Of course this is the first busy work week I've had since the move and am unable to take a full day off. Phooey.
2.) I haven't had any wine or beer since my 1 glass that I had Monday. This may be a record for consecutive days since I moved here.
3.) In a mere 8 days, my old roommate Lauren and our friend Katie are coming out to visit me!!! I could not be more excited.
i'm doing what now???
FEEL BETTER SOON! put some beer on it.